Payne, fawn Male from Ember and Meatball’s second litter went to his forever home. He will be loved, especially from his older sister Ms. Peter.
Category: Updates
Top Ten Things I like about Pugs:
10. They come in a variety of colors. Contential Kennel Club (CKC) only documents two colors, black and fawn. But American Kennel Club has docuemented several colors: black, fawn, brendle, silver, silver fawn, apricot, white, chocolate, and several other rare colors/types.

9. Their squished faces and snorts are just so cute. The wrinkles are just perfect.

8. Their curly tails are just so unique. The perfect curl is a double curled tail. I didn’t realize pugs have the ability to make their tail straight.

7. Their eyes are just so big, dark and gergoius. Couple that with their “pouty” look with their lip is just so precious.

6. Their clowny and fun attitude. They are just the perfect pet.

5. They are just the right size. Most pugs are between 10 to 20 pounds. Some can get to a healthy weight of 30 pounds like Meatball, our male. I have heard from a breeder in Ohio she once has a pug that was just 5 pounds full grown.

5. They are playful with everyone, people and other pets. Our pugs try very hard to become friends with our cats, but our cats are not having it. In order for most cats to be playful with dogs, start with a kitten growing up with the dog or puppy.

4. They are caring. My pugs can sence feelings and will try to cheer up own pets and humans. They also try to make up if they did something wrong.

3. They roequire less exercise than larger dogs like German Shepherds or Laberdors. Pugs only need 20 minutes of exercise a day.

2. Their short legs. Being short myself, I appreciate the short strides when walking. I don’t feel “pulled” when walking my pugs.
1. The best thing I like about pugs is…. Like any good dog, they are loyal, loving, great companion, laid back, and can be stubborn at times. They don’t chew as much as other dog breeds like our Rottweiler chewed a hole in our bedroom wall. Pugs don’t chew like that and they appreciate a good toy to play with and chew on.
Puppies 6 week Vet visit
Saturday, all four puppies and mom made a trip to vet office. All are in good health and can start going to their forever homes next weekend. The puppies received their first shots and checked for worms and any health concerns. All have a clean bill of health

All were very cute and playful.
And even got a head tilt from Big Girl.
There was a moment for peek-a-boo games with the puppies. Here is Payne and Meatsause.
And there was Little Sweets. Just sitting back and chilling.
Introduce our new puppies
We have four loving puppies which three are available. Our puppies are played with day one with people and other dogs. Our puppies are vet checked, meaning they come with health guarantee as long new families follow our instructions on puppy wellness visits. Our puppies come with first set of shots, but will need additional shots and visits with new family’s vet.
Here is Little Sweets. She is the smallest of the litter and has a lot of size traits of mom. She is very sweet and loving and just love to cuddle.
Here is Big Girl and Meat Sause (Meatball Jr). Both loving and very playful. Big Girl is much more playful than Meat Sause. Both have white mark on their chest. The spot in Meat Sause is very large, much like his dad. That’s why he has the nick name Jr. Also Meat Sauce has a chill attitude like his dad.
And then we have Payne, our male fawn. He has a loving home and we send updates to his family very moment we can. ♥️
Pug Puppy Bath Time
There comes a time where puppies do need a bath. They could be messy or smelly. Mom can only lick so much and if they have a smell, a lick will not take the smell away. When starting the puppies on the new formula to transition to dog food, it can become very messy. Additionally, the puppies claws are growing so much that their claws become little hooks and catch on everything.
I wasn’t able to take pictures of all puppies because the bathing process has to be quick and they do not become cold in the process. After birth, puppies can be washed, but only use Baby Shampoo, human baby shampoo. Also when clipping the puppy nails use human finger nail clippers. Pug puppies are too young and too small for normal dog/puppy products. Always read the bottle on the puppy products, most say after 8 or 12 weeks. That’s why at only a few weeks old Baby Shampoo is used.
Before starting to wash puppies or dogs, make sure you have everything available. I make sure to have the following available near the washing area (laundry room sink) when washing puppies:
- Towels
- Soap
- Clippers
- Hair Dryer
When washing, make sure the water is very warm, but not hot. Wash and rinse was quick as possible. Then blow dry on low setting. It only take moments to dry a puppy. Them move the puppy to a warm snuggle towel to share with siblings.
Once all are washed, they can snuggle together to keep warm.
Pug Puppies Big Transition
At 4 weeks, it has been a week of transitioning for the puppies. Their eating habits, potty training, and living arrangements have transitioned. It’s getting them ready for their new homes.
For eating, the puppies receive formula and wet food two times a day. Ember, mom, still stays with the puppies and nurses them day and night. Giving the puppies the lapping food gives a mom a break as well as gets them use to eating out of a dish and transition to dog food. We found puppy 2nd step esbilac is a great creamy transitional cereal for our puppies at 4 Weeks old that provides a diet to introduce nursing puppies to solid food.
For potty training, we have included puppy pads in their living area. We use about 3 – 5 pads twice a day. This reduces the amount of laundry since the puppies are now potting on the pads instead of bedding.
Lastly, their living arrangement have changed. The puppies and mom are no longer in the baby pool, but in a 4 x 4 living square. It took time to step this up and ensure they have extra padding between the cold title floor and vinyl sheet. To ensure no sliding of the vinyl, it took some ingenuity.
I took a large cardboard box, cut to to 5 x 5. Then taped any holes or imperfections so it would lay flat. Then on the other side used a hot glue gun to make “gripping spots.” The gripping is just zig-zag pattern on all sides to create a non-skid surface. Next cut the vinyl to 5 x 5. Then placed interlocking form squares in between the cardboard and vinyl to create extra padding. Once everything was placed correctly, the vinyl was attached to the cardboard with gorilla glue double stick squares on all sides.
You ask why so much work, well the last litter we learned the vinyl does not say and slides all over the place. So attaching as well has having extra padding will keep the puppies warm.
But I think they will remain warm since they have a new dog bed with a senor heating pad and they love to snug.